Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ancestor by Scott Sigler

I have moved to Melbourne. I've got a new city to explore, a new hobby (knitting to keep warm in winter), a new computer game (Warhammer Online), a new home, a new job and it's keeping me pretty busy. I haven't found a lot of time for reading and I'm really only getting through two pages a night before I fall asleep, drooling onto the open page. However I have found a way to fullfil my literary needs, I have discovered audiobooks and serialised pod novels and am enjoying them immensly.

Ancestor by Scott Sigler is a sci fi (or skiffy as I've started hearing it called lately) podcast only novel by an American author. It's a fast paced romp into a gun toteing world of greedy corporate America. The overreaching plot is the race to perfect the xenotransplantation of animal organs into humans to make gross amount of cash off the poor dying public of the world.

The story has many plots and not all of them are well covered. At first there is the concern of disease crossing from animal to human because of the experimentation. That is quickly over taken by the horror of a man made genetic throwback, created so that the evil multi-national company has full control over the patent of the product, turns out to be more than they bargained for. The animal breaks loose and starts eating innocent farmers and scientists.

So that's about it, sounds pretty uninteresting and this could be one for the boys. This is not the book to listen too to change your life, this is total escapism and a bit of adventure to take your mind off whatever troubles you.

I would give it 2 out of 5. One to listen to and forget as you go for a jog (or a slow meander).

If you're interested in Sci Fi or Fantasy I would suggest PodCastle and Escape Pod for 30 to 50 minute Fantasy or Science Fiction brought to you free weekly. If you're interested in longer novels there is a heap for free at Podiobooks and I'm a member of Audible where you can pay a monthly subscription of about $10 and get access to one quality audiobook a month (or more if you care to pay) from a selection of thousands.

Much Love Girls. Wishing you all the best from the south.


Ange said...

Interesting idea, a bit terrifying as well. I love my audio books also. Lots of websites with the classics for free to download but I've found the quality can differ. Kath I knew I could rely on you to bring an interesting skiffy to the table! mwah, Ange

kniki said...

I'm not a sci fi fan... I find the ideas interesting but I just can't read it.

I didn't know about the audio/podiobooks... strange cause I love podcasts! Will look them up; am glad you mentioned it!
